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Products Overview

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characteristic Model/Name Product Features Scope of application Property table
Glass Fiber Reinforced Grade MB212G15 NAT 15% Glass fiber natural color    It exhibits high rigidity,
dimensional stability,
low warpage and glossy surface properties.
Hiair dryer casing,
Typewriter bobbin,
Camera tripod,
Fishing tackle winder.
MB212G33 NAT 33% Glass fiber natural color  Download
MB212G45 NAT 45% Glass fiber natural color  Download
High Impact Strength at Low Temperature  MB212LST NAT Low temperature impact resistance natural color It exhibits super toughness and high impact strength at low temperatures. Roller skates holder, Stroller accessories, Sport equipments. Download
Glass Fiber Reinforced and Elastomer Toughened  MB212STG15 NAT 15% Glass fiber & Impact resistance natural color It exhibits outstanding stiffness and heat resistance properties. Motor casing,
Shoe heel,
office furniture,
Oil filter,
Industrial used buckle.
MB212STG25 NAT 25% Glass fiber & Impact resistance natural color Download
MB212STG40 NAT 40% Glass fiber & Impact resistance natural color Download
Flame Retardant Modified MB212 FH05 NAT
Halogen free flame retardant UL94 natural color
It exhibits outstanding flame-retardant properties. Connectors, Electric appliance switch, Radiation ventilator, Electric equipment, Machine motor housing. Download
Flame Retardant Glass Fiber Reinforced   MB212 LB30 NAT
Halogenated flame retardant rigid reinforced UL94 natural color 
High strength, rigidity,  heat resistance,
excellent dimensional stability and
molding technology.
Connectors, Electric appliance switch, Radiation ventilator, Electric tools,
Machine motor housing.
Hydrolysis Resistance Grade MB212GH33
Hydrolysis Resistance natural color 
It exhibits high rigidity, heat resistance, hydrolysis resistance properties which is conform to TL52062. Radiator tank,
Cooling fan.